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 Study of Indonesian Social Behavior through Activity Pattern Analysis in the Dwellings
<日本建築学会大会 学術講演梗概集(E-1)pp.335-336,2009年8月> シャム ラハマ マルシリア、大野 隆造
As a dwelling, the house is not merely a shelter; it is an actualization of meaning. Objectives of this study are;
To know whether social behavior is really an important aspect of Indonesian dwellings in any circumstances, what are the fundamental meaning, ideals or values of Indonesian social behavior that need to be facilitate and how is it facilitated through the spaces and activities arrangements in the dwellings.
Constraint dwellings are chosen as research objects to extract a clearer relation between social behaviors with dwellings usage. Residents’ activities were investigated by studying spatial development and adjustment for satisfying social interaction in Java earthquake 2006 post disaster dwellings and studying behavioral adjustment of conflict for need of privacy and social interaction in mis-fit and unchangeable spaces of Japanese compact apartments. Questionnaires and interview were conducted in both case studies. Information on respondents’ background, house plan, personal and interpersonal activities and cognition of spaces were achieved. As results, it is necessary even in constraint dwelling to consider social behavior importance as culturally sensitive design for reconstruction recovery.

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Indonesian Family Living in Japanese Compact Apartment -Definition of Spaces and Privacy Gradient-

<日本建築学会大会 学術講演梗概集(E-1)pp.775-776,2008年9月> シャム ラハマ マルシリア、大野 隆造

In defining dwelling (housing), one can not only compare the physical artifacts encounters (Rapoport, 2005). Different culture had different perception and actualization of their dwelling. Such culture perceived ‘core house’ as their dwelling setting while other conceived not only the house but also its surroundings streets shared wheels, religious institution, etc., that cannot be parted from their daily lifestyle as the dwelling settings. Nowadays, Japanese compact apartment have more functionally separation room compared to the traditionally large living room expressed as i-ma or living "space", but basically it still provides ‘core house` as the basic dwelling for Japanese culture. For the foreigners, sudden change from self satisfied house at hometown country to Japanese compact apartment had left no choice than to adapt to the condition. The limited domestic space will increase the space and activities incompatibility and although the physical setting had changed, cultural background inherited from previous living environment continuously adapted to the limited Japanese compact apartment. This will lead to compensation between space and activities that involves space-activities regulation. This paper discusses a preliminary research to understand how people from different culture adapt and cope with the constraint living.

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<日本建築学会大会 学術講演梗概集(F-1)pp. 607-610,, 2007年 8月>  大野 隆造、Syam Rachma Marcillia
2006 年5 月27 日早朝にジャワ島中部を襲った地震はそこに住む人々に甚大な被害を及ぼした。この調査研究は、その地震による危機的な状況を生き延びた住民に対するインタビューによって、地震がその後の生活にどのような影響を及ぼし、またどのように復興しようとしているのかについて、明らかにすることを目的としている。
インタビュー調査は、大きく以下の3 つの観点から行われた。1)物理的な環境:家屋の構造による、損傷の大きさ、住民の閉じ込め・負傷率、被災家屋の再利用率、再建住宅の選好など、2)被災者の行動および復興への活動:発災直後の行動、被災後の状況と活動の経時的変化、復興過程における文化的影響要因など、3)災害情報とリスク認知:被災者の情報ニーズ、どのような情報をいつどこで入手したか、将来の災害リスクに対する見方などである。

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駐韓米軍人等の韓式住宅への適応に関する研究 (その1、その2)
<日本建築学会大会 学術講演梗概集(E-2),Pp.187-190,2006年 9月> Moon Jung Eunl、福島駿介、大野隆造
 その1 では、米国軍人等を対象とするアンケート調査により韓国住宅の特徴に対する適応の程度および満足度に関する大まかな傾向を把握した。

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<日本建築学会大会 学術講演梗概集(E-1),Pp.1015-1016,1998年 9月> 青木宏文、大野隆造


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